Hello! I’m Amy, aka Fivefeetsmall. I’m a Midwestern gal based in Minnesota, where I live with my husband and our two-year-old tornado of a toddler. I suffer from chronic small people syndrome (hence the alias) and proudly identify as:
- A storyteller;
- A serial thrifter;
- Jackie Chan’s #1 fan;
- And my mother’s favorite child.
By trade, I’m a Program Manager at a tech company, and by default, my mom’s unpaid secretary (see the 4th bullet point above). I studied Finance in college, earned my MBA, and have been a lifelong student of financial literacy—because the real lessons often happen outside the classroom.
The purpose of my content is to inspire others by sharing my stories and engaging in conversations that contribute to the education and humanity of both myself and others.
Thanks for being here. XO